Saturday, 11 April 2009

Roy Thompson, a very nasty “man” in Ubud Bali

News Flash: Roy Thompson has been exposed as a crook by none other than The Wall Street Journal / Dow Jones here: Roy Thomspon eBay fraud - 100% criminal activity (fraudulently selling low grade white metal fraudulently struck as platinum and shill bidding his prices up), and also on another blog site operated by his best friend! Roy Thompson Bali Illegally Sells Indonesian Antiquities on eBay

Roy Thompson is the reason I closed my company’s charitable reservations site Travel Ethos. In the four days leading up to Christmas 2008, while others were wishing “Good will to all men”, Roy Thompson falsely accused me of defrauding the charities my web site supported, said he was going to have this published on the Internet including through his partner-in-crime Jack Daniels’ Bali Discovery Tours Web Site and “Bali Update” ezine (sent to thousands of people), that he was going to contact as many hotels / villas on the Travel Ethos web site as possible and inform them of the same, and finally would be filing a criminal complaint against me for charity fraud with the Balinese police.

Roy Thompson, who lives in the village of Bunutan-Kedewatan near Ubud in Bali (Indonesia), then took the step of emailing the Thai Charity my site supported, the Mercy Centre in Bangkok, an organization which takes children off the streets and gives them a life aside the child sex industry, and repeated his malicious, false allegations to them. The people of Bali can therefore thank Roy Thompson for this blog, as I would not have published it if it were not for him.

The documented fact is, my company’s web site Travel Ethos, when it sent invoices (guest stay commission claim statements) to the hotels and villas of Bali and Thailand, these only ever stated that the accommodations providers pay directly into the charity’s nominated bank accounts; no other bank accounts were detailed or even mentioned, so no money was or could ever be defrauded by my company or I as Roy Thompson claimed.

Above excerpt from a Travel Ethos commission statements to hotels & villas in Bali.

Roy Thompson stated his justification for doing this was that I had called him a drug dealer and his wife, Ni Nyoman Eri a whore on the Nasty Bali Blogspot web blog, a clear rip off of my own Nasty Bali and other web sites, but not one of my making or doing as Roy Thompson claims. I suspected then and I believe now the Nasty Bali Blogspot site was actually composed and published by Roy Thompson, taking material from other sites, in order to be able make a case against me. Although I did, I am ashamed to admit, describe Roy Thompson as a small time drug dealer and Ni Nyoman Eri a whore / sex industry worker, I only ever did this in an email to him, not to anyone else, and only because he kept emailing me with insults. I regret, apologize for and retract this statement to Roy Thompson, which I did in a moment of frustration following a deluge of insulting emails from him to me. Regrettably Roy Thompson saw fit to publish this email on his own anti-Mark Austin Mad Hatter Blog, which is part of the reason I suspect he is behind the Nasty Bali Blogspot, as I do not believe anyone in their right mind would publish text which describes their own wife as a whore.

Roy Thompson would find a number of ways to make sure his emails of hate were received by me after I had banned his email address on my PC, such as opening up new email accounts and abusing the “Contact Us” form on my travel forum; over Christmas Eve and Day 2008 he sent no less then 17 hate emails to me and Travel Ethos with no more than a 5 hour gap in between them; instead of spending Christmas with his family like everyone else, Roy Thompson bombarded me yet again with hate mail. Here are two of his first emails to Travel Ethos, others can not be shown for legal reasons and because they contain profanities;

Roy Thompson has made defaming and making trouble for me his occupation. In April 2007 he published my passport photograph and information on his blog; see the data published at the top of his blog regarding my date and place of birth, which clearly comes from a (actually my) passport;

The photograph has since been removed; Roy Thompson now denies ever publishing these things though last time I looked at his blog the passport data on my date / place of birth was still there. Roy Thompson does a lot of things he subsequently denies.

If you are in any doubt that the photo and personal data came from my passport, here is one of Roy's emails which came into my hands after it was forwarded on by his friend, Bert Vierstra, a Dutchman resident and alleged pedophile in Lovina;

Roy Thompson told a 3rd party that he got my passport scan from one of Made Pastika’s sons (Made Pastika is the former police chief and current governor of Bali), who Thompson is on record (in another email) as claiming (Pastika's son) is one of his close friends. Actually, another more reliable source informed me that Thompson got my passport scan from Jack Daniels of Bali Discovery Tours, who in turn paid for it from the Balinese police’s Cyber Crime department chief, Tri Kuncoro.

Scans of my passport and credit card, the former which the police took during their unlawful detention of me in 2002 and the later I understand they got as part of their “investigation" into me from the hotel I stayed at, were used to defraud me (my credit card). On my Budi Setywan (former police chief of Bali) blog page you will find copies of police documents which prove the police sell / sold details from my investigation file to third parties, to try and get at me but also to make a profit (corruption bung) from credit card fraudsters (criminals).

I live in hope one day I will be able to file Indonesian criminal complaints and a civil compensation case against Roy Thompson (and others); to understand why this is not currently possible, please visit my Balinese Police / Indonesian Law blog page.


  1. Mark , I dont know you but I know the above mentioned "Roy" . He seems to me , based on a 4 year relationship to be very unstable . I think he drinks way too much , from what I understand . He has run amuck on many internet based forums and has been banned from most of them too. If I were you Id leave this wacko alone and move onto something less crazy . good luck

  2. I am an American who knew Roy in the U.S., in fact I am related to him. I am trying to get the facts straight about what exactly is true and not true in this whole debacle. Does he truly deal drugs in Bali?

  3. I have seen and its a simple matter of fact that Roy has attemped fraud on ebay , search google youll see for yourself . He lists an ingot of silver as platimum and tried to sell it , the fruad was caught before the auction was completed ? he would sell his wives dead relitives bones if ebay would let him , i think he tried ?

  4. seems to me based on a simple google search that roy has been fighting with people on bali for 10 years . crazy name calling posts on forums ect ! seems to me that you have only attacted those who have attacked you , roy on the otherhand has been attacking people who dont agree with him and any subject for years and years ! google it for your selfs

  5. If you want to know what Roy of UBUD BALI is really all about , please just go to BALIPOD.COM , member name ROY . Every thing you'll need to know is there . He seems mad to me , you make your own mind up though.

  6. It was Daniels who gave your passport scan to Thompson; he boasted about it long enough. Your exposure of his drugs activities has had an effect! Thompson has curtailed his sales quite a bit recently. Which means he has less money to spend socializing; lucky us!
